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The Governing Pandemics initiative is organizing public and private events on global reforms needed in light of the Covid-19 crisis. Information on upcoming and relevant past events organized by the Global Health Centre is available below.


Public Events
The long-term view: How to sustain local vaccine production for pandemics?

10 Oct 2022

The long-term view: How to sustain local vaccine production for pandemics?

Deep Dive on a Pandemic Treaty

13 Dec 2021

Deep Dive on a Pandemic Treaty

Introduction to the 75th World Health Assembly: Charting a Path to the Triple Billion Targets in a Pandemic Era

22 May 2022

Introduction to the 75th World Health Assembly: Charting a Path to the Triple Billion Targets in a Pandemic Era

Financing WHO Well: Low-hanging Fruit or Mission Impossible?

7 Dec 2021

Financing WHO Well: Low-hanging Fruit or Mission Impossible?



Workshops on International Sharing of Pathogens, GSD & Benefits: video resources

Pathogen, GSD and benefit-sharing for influenza: How does it work? - Workshop 01 Session 01

Pathogen, GSD and benefit-sharing for influenza: How does it work? - Workshop 01 Session 01

On 1 November 2022, the GHC’s Governing Pandemics Initiative and International Geneva Global Health Platform held a workshop, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of the UK in Geneva and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia, on the theme: “International Sharing of Pathogens, GSD and Benefits: A Primer” About us: The Global Health Centre (GHC) is an interdisciplinary research, education, and convening centre of excellence based in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Founded in 2008, the GHC provides a better understanding of the shifting power balance in global health through academic analysis, contributing to the capacity building of decision-makers, government representatives, international organisations and other stakeholders such as civil society and the private sector. By affirming itself as a leading research centre in global health worldwide, the GHC broadens understanding, contributes to setting agendas and fosters inclusive partnerships. The Governing Pandemics Initiative is tracking efforts to address major gaps exposed by COVID-19 in the global system for governing preparedness for and responses to pandemics. It provides information on six issues that have been identified as requiring reform and on the proposed pandemic treaty, summarising for each of them: the main problems, pre-COVID-19 reforms, 2021 recommendations by major international panels, and ongoing policy debates. This project aims to provide resources and tool to a wide range of stakeholders concerned about building a more equitable and effective global system for governing potential pandemics. Regular updates will be provided as efforts progress. The International Geneva Global Health Platform seeks to promote exchanges, discussions and collaborations in order to improve health policies at the global level. The platform aims to facilitate the assimilation and sharing of knowledge in the health field and better equip the future generation of health leaders. Through the platform, the GHC engages with a wide-range of actors and acts as a laboratory of global health innovation. More information: // Follow us on: - Twitter: @GVAGrad_GHC // - LinkedIn: Global Health Centre // Subscribe to our channel!
Pathogen, GSD and benefit-sharing in COVID-19 - Workshop 01 Session 01

Pathogen, GSD and benefit-sharing in COVID-19 - Workshop 01 Session 01

On 1 November 2022, the GHC’s Governing Pandemics Initiative and International Geneva Global Health Platform held a workshop, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of the UK in Geneva and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia, on the theme: “International Sharing of Pathogens, GSD and Benefits: A Primer” About us: The Global Health Centre (GHC) is an interdisciplinary research, education, and convening centre of excellence based in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Founded in 2008, the GHC provides a better understanding of the shifting power balance in global health through academic analysis, contributing to the capacity building of decision-makers, government representatives, international organisations and other stakeholders such as civil society and the private sector. By affirming itself as a leading research centre in global health worldwide, the GHC broadens understanding, contributes to setting agendas and fosters inclusive partnerships. The Governing Pandemics Initiative is tracking efforts to address major gaps exposed by COVID-19 in the global system for governing preparedness for and responses to pandemics. It provides information on six issues that have been identified as requiring reform and on the proposed pandemic treaty, summarising for each of them: the main problems, pre-COVID-19 reforms, 2021 recommendations by major international panels, and ongoing policy debates. This project aims to provide resources and tool to a wide range of stakeholders concerned about building a more equitable and effective global system for governing potential pandemics. Regular updates will be provided as efforts progress. The International Geneva Global Health Platform seeks to promote exchanges, discussions and collaborations in order to improve health policies at the global level. The platform aims to facilitate the assimilation and sharing of knowledge in the health field and better equip the future generation of health leaders. Through the platform, the GHC engages with a wide-range of actors and acts as a laboratory of global health innovation. More information: // Follow us on: - Twitter: @GVAGrad_GHC // - LinkedIn: Global Health Centre // Subscribe to our channel!
Convention on Bio-Diversity & the Nagoya Protocol: relations to pandemics - Workshop 01 Session 02

Convention on Bio-Diversity & the Nagoya Protocol: relations to pandemics - Workshop 01 Session 02

On 1 November 2022, the GHC’s Governing Pandemics Initiative and International Geneva Global Health Platform held a workshop, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of the UK in Geneva and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia, on the theme: “International Sharing of Pathogens, GSD and Benefits: A Primer” About us: The Global Health Centre (GHC) is an interdisciplinary research, education, and convening centre of excellence based in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Founded in 2008, the GHC provides a better understanding of the shifting power balance in global health through academic analysis, contributing to the capacity building of decision-makers, government representatives, international organisations and other stakeholders such as civil society and the private sector. By affirming itself as a leading research centre in global health worldwide, the GHC broadens understanding, contributes to setting agendas and fosters inclusive partnerships. The Governing Pandemics Initiative is tracking efforts to address major gaps exposed by COVID-19 in the global system for governing preparedness for and responses to pandemics. It provides information on six issues that have been identified as requiring reform and on the proposed pandemic treaty, summarising for each of them: the main problems, pre-COVID-19 reforms, 2021 recommendations by major international panels, and ongoing policy debates. This project aims to provide resources and tool to a wide range of stakeholders concerned about building a more equitable and effective global system for governing potential pandemics. Regular updates will be provided as efforts progress. The International Geneva Global Health Platform seeks to promote exchanges, discussions and collaborations in order to improve health policies at the global level. The platform aims to facilitate the assimilation and sharing of knowledge in the health field and better equip the future generation of health leaders. Through the platform, the GHC engages with a wide-range of actors and acts as a laboratory of global health innovation. More information: // Follow us on: - Twitter: @GVAGrad_GHC // - LinkedIn: Global Health Centre // Subscribe to our channel!
Access and benefit sharing under the FAO Plant Treaty - Workshop 02

Access and benefit sharing under the FAO Plant Treaty - Workshop 02

On 25 November 2022, the GHC’s Governing Pandemics Initiative and International Geneva Global Health Platform held a workshop, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of The Republic of Korea in Geneva and the Group for Global Infection Disease Response (G4IDR)*, on the theme: “International Sharing of Pathogens, GSD and Benefits: What are the options?” About us: The Global Health Centre (GHC) is an interdisciplinary research, education, and convening centre of excellence based in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Founded in 2008, the GHC provides a better understanding of the shifting power balance in global health through academic analysis, contributing to the capacity building of decision-makers, government representatives, international organisations and other stakeholders such as civil society and the private sector. By affirming itself as a leading research centre in global health worldwide, the GHC broadens understanding, contributes to setting agendas and fosters inclusive partnerships. The Governing Pandemics Initiative is tracking efforts to address major gaps exposed by COVID-19 in the global system for governing preparedness for and responses to pandemics. It provides information on six issues that have been identified as requiring reform and on the proposed pandemic treaty, summarising for each of them: the main problems, pre-COVID-19 reforms, 2021 recommendations by major international panels, and ongoing policy debates. This project aims to provide resources and tool to a wide range of stakeholders concerned about building a more equitable and effective global system for governing potential pandemics. Regular updates will be provided as efforts progress. The International Geneva Global Health Platform seeks to promote exchanges, discussions and collaborations in order to improve health policies at the global level. The platform aims to facilitate the assimilation and sharing of knowledge in the health field and better equip the future generation of health leaders. Through the platform, the GHC engages with a wide-range of actors and acts as a laboratory of global health innovation. More information: // Follow us on: - Twitter: @GVAGrad_GHC // - LinkedIn: Global Health Centre // Subscribe to our channel! *(members: Kenya, México, Morocco, Perú, The Republic of Korea, Singapore, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates)
Event | Pandemic Negotiations: Closing the Deal

Event | Pandemic Negotiations: Closing the Deal

On 17 April 2024, the Global Health Centre’s International Geneva Global Health Platform and the Governing Pandemics Initiative co-organised an event with Global Preparedness and Monitoring Board (GPMB) and Pandemic Action Network (PAN) @pandemicactionnetwork on the theme: “Pandemic Negotiations: Closing the Deal”. About us: The Global Health Centre (GHC) is an interdisciplinary research, education, and convening centre of excellence based in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Founded in 2008, the GHC provides a better understanding of the shifting power balance in global health through academic analysis, contributing to the capacity building of decision-makers, government representatives, international organisations and other stakeholders such as civil society and the private sector. By affirming itself as a leading research centre in global health worldwide, the GHC broadens understanding, contributes to setting agendas and fosters inclusive partnerships. The GHC's Governing Pandemics Initiative (GP), launched in 2021, tracks reform efforts to address major weaknesses in the global system for preparedness and response to outbreaks of infectious diseases. To do so, the Initiative carries out activities in three main areas: information, data collection and open-access data-sharing ; research and analysis; strategic convening to raise awareness and strengthen capacities by providing a space for discussion, learning, and debate for negotiators, policy makers, and other stakeholders through workshops, public events, webinars, and courses. More information: The International Geneva Global Health Platform seeks to promote exchanges, discussions and collaborations in order to improve health policies at the global level. The Platform aims to facilitate the assimilation and sharing of knowledge in the health field and better equip the future generation of health leaders. Through the Platform, the GHC engages with a wide-range of actors and acts as a laboratory of global health innovation. More information: Follow us on: - Twitter: @GVAGrad_GHC // - LinkedIn: Global Health Centre // Subscribe to our channel! #pandemic #pandemics #pandemicagreement #pandemictreaty #pandemicaccord
Event: Averting a collision course?Beyond the pandemic instrument & International Health Regulations

Event: Averting a collision course?Beyond the pandemic instrument & International Health Regulations

On 26 April 2023, the GHC’s International Geneva Global Health Platform organised a panel discussion on the theme: “Averting a collision course? Beyond the pandemic instrument and the International Health Regulations (IHR)”. About us: The Global Health Centre (GHC) is an interdisciplinary research, education, and convening centre of excellence based in the Geneva Graduate Institute. Founded in 2008, the GHC provides a better understanding of the shifting power balance in global health through academic analysis, contributing to the capacity building of decision-makers, government representatives, international organisations and other stakeholders such as civil society and the private sector. By affirming itself as a leading research centre in global health worldwide, the GHC broadens understanding, contributes to setting agendas and fosters inclusive partnerships. The International Geneva Global Health Platform seeks to promote exchanges, discussions and collaborations in order to improve health policies at the global level. The Platform aims to facilitate the assimilation and sharing of knowledge in the health field and better equip the future generation of health leaders. Through the Platform, the GHC engages with a wide-range of actors and acts as a laboratory of global health innovation. More information: Follow us on: - Twitter: @GVAGrad_GHC // - LinkedIn: Global Health Centre // Subscribe to our channel! #pandemic #pandemics #pandemicinstrument #pandemictreaty #IHR


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